Tuesday, 7 April 2015


Hey y’all! Happy Spring!

Not much has been going on since I last posted (like two days ago), but here are some other highlights from this spring.

Carly, Eslie, Megan, and I have been to capana with some of our friends several times. This is a big, open market that serves street meat. There are carcasses lying around, flies everywhere, and SO MUCH GOOD MEAT.  You can sample lots of beef from many different people and dip it in capana spice. Then we eat it with fat cakes, tomatoes, and onions.

On March 21st, Namibia celebrated its 25th year of independence. We went to Independence Stadium for the inauguration of Namibia’s third president and a nice lady let us sit with her in the special section with all sorts of important people. The celebration was very neat to be a part of; it is awesome to see how much Namibia’s independence has meant to this nation and all of the people here.

A couple weeks ago, the president of PLU visited Namibia! President Tom Krise and his wife Patty came out here to see how this program is going because this is the pilot semester program in Namibia. (Also because they are awesome and really care about PLU and all of its programs!) We had dinner with them for a couple days—one dinner at the communication center on campus, one at Joe’s Beer House, and one at a restaurant called NICE (the Namibian Institute of Culinary Education).

We have been doing karaoke pretty regularly each Thursday, and last week was sang No Scrubs! (we wanted to sing Baby Got Back and Bust a Move, but they didn’t have them.) I have been going out too much, spending too much money, and having too much fun.

Yesterday was Easter, and, boy, was it a fantastic day. Alice, Bryanna, Megan, Shelley, Jan, Tony, and I went to church at Inner City Lutheran Church. The service and most of the hymns were in English, but some songs were in Oshivambo and Damara (two local languages) and it was INCREDIBLE to hear these songs. There were over three hundred people in attendance, and we were some of the only white people. I sat next to the dean of the polytechnic university in Windhoek, and she was very friendly. While the pastor was preaching, she gave me a caramel and pointed out some important people who also attended the church. The Secretary of State was sitting behind us, and the new President of Namibia was sitting two rows in front of us.

After the service—we left early because communion took literally over an hour—we went to Jan’s house for brunch. Heather made scalloped potatoes and a delicious egg dish, and Jan made some HEAVENLY (ha, see what I did there?) blueberry buckle/coffee cake. Then we came back to Emona, took a nap/studied and watched Across The Universe as a whole group. It was a great day.


Gossip Girl

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